Sketchup on web
Sketchup on web

sketchup on web

From the file menu, you can save your work in a specific location then reopen it.Drawing shapes: rectangle, circle, arch and line.

sketchup on web

For 2D drafting select Parallel projection from the camera menu with top, front and left views.You can draw either in perspective view of from top/left/front view.Zoom tool+shift changes the field of view.The model will be positioned in the drawing area.Click anywhere in the drawing area to place the model.The model appears in SketchUp attached to the select tol. The Load into Model? A dialogue box appears. Click on one of the pre-built architectural models, Click on the Download Model button.Click on one of the collections, Warehouse appears.Click on the Collections and Searches’ drop-down list identified by a downward arrow.From the components tray (left side user interface).Place SketchUp’s Pre-Built models into the drawing area – By default, SketchUp contains a model of a person at the origin of the axes. You must have a model in a drawing area before we can practice viewing.Simply, you (the user) are treated as though you were a camera looking at your model as you work. Sketchup implements the concept of a camera to represent your point of view of the model.The most commonly used camera tools are the Orbit tool, pan tool, Zoom tool, and Zoom extents tool.The majority of SketchUp tools, commands, and settings are available within the menus on the menu bar. When you start SketchUp, the name of the currently open file in Untitled, indicating that you have not yet saved your work. The title bar contains the standard window controls (close, minimise, maximise) and the name of the currently open file.

Sketchup on web